Visual Basic Source Code
Visual Basic Source Code.iso
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BASIC Source File
310 lines
DefInt A-Z
Type MhMuscleType
Shift As Integer
Scan As Integer
Ascii As Integer
Lb As Integer
Rb As Integer
RbTerminateAscii As Integer
RbTerminateScan As Integer
CursorNormalStart As Integer
CursorNormalEnd As Integer
CursorInsertStart As Integer
CursorInsertEnd As Integer
MonitorSeg As Integer
MonitorType As Integer
MonitorRows As Integer
MonitorColumns As Integer
VideoMode As Integer
MouseInstalled As Integer
Verify As Integer
CaseSens As Integer
TableSize As Integer
DontRestore As Integer
TopRow As Integer
LeftColumn As Integer
BottomRow As Integer
RightColumn As Integer
BoxType As Integer
BoxColor As Long
ShadowColor As Long
ShadowPosition As Integer
FillColor As Long
InverseColor As Long
HighlightColor As Long
NormalColor As Long
TitleColor As Long
WordWrapWidth As Integer
LastElement As Integer
TabStop As Integer
SelectionWrap As Integer
DeselectColor As Long
DeselectInverseColor As Long
BarColor As Long
InverseBarColor As Long
KeyHighlightColor As Long
DescriptionRow As Integer
DescriptionColor As Long
MenuNumber As Integer
SelectionNumber As Integer
Range As Integer
Month As Integer
Day As Integer
Year As Integer
Startyear As Integer
DisplayMode As Integer
ForceRead As Integer
MemSeg As Integer
MemOffset As Integer
MaxFiles As Integer
Fillcharacter As Integer
SoundOff As Integer
Gen1 As Integer
Gen2 As Integer
Gen3 As Integer
Gen4 As Integer
ShadowColumns As Integer
ShadowRows As Integer
SnowCheck As Integer
Drive As Integer
FileAttributes As Integer
DosMajorVersion As Integer
DosMinorVersion As Integer
MouseStatus As Integer
ExitIfMouseOutside As Integer
HugeArrayNum As Integer
AutoTerminate As Integer
DefaultInsertState As Integer
GeneralCount As Integer
GenLong1 As Long
GenLong2 As Long
Bytes As Long
CurrentPos As Integer
NoDestroy As Integer
End Type
Type MhPopupMenuType
' Special TYPE used by MhPUxxx routines
PMFlags As Integer
PMPopUpID As Integer ' Either ID number or handle of bitmap if MF_BITMAP flag is set
PMString As String
PMBitMap As Integer
End Type
Type MhChooseFontType
hWnd As Integer
Hdc As Integer
LogFont As Long
pointSize As Integer
Flags As Long
RgbColor As Long
Reserved2 As Long
Reserved3 As Long
Reserved4 As Long
Reserved5 As Integer
Reserved6 As Long
FontType As Integer
MinSize As Integer
MaxSize As Integer
End Type
Type MhLogFontType
FontHeight As Integer
FontWidth As Integer
FontEscapement As Integer
FontOrientation As Integer
FontWeight As Integer
FontItalic As String * 1
FontUnderline As String * 1
FontStrikeout As String * 1
FontCharSet As String * 1
FontOutPrecision As String * 1
FontClipPrecision As String * 1
FontQuality As String * 1
FontPitchAndFamily As String * 1
FontFaceName As String * 32
End Type
Type MhPrintDlgType
hWnd As Integer
DevMode As Integer
DevNames As Integer
Hdc As Integer
Flags As Long
FromPage As Integer
ToPage As Integer
MinPage As Integer
MaxPage As Integer
Copies As Integer
End Type
Type MhGetFileType
hWnd As Integer
FilterIndex As Long
InitFileName As String
FormCaption As String
InitDir As String
DefaultExtension As String
HowManyFilters As Integer
Flags As Long
RawNamePos As Integer
ExtensionPos As Integer
End Type
Type MhFileFilterType
Description As String
Mask As String
End Type
Type MhStrType
VStr As String
End Type
Declare Function GetMenuCheckMarkDimensions& Lib "user" ()
Declare Function MhECode% Lib "muscle.vbx" ()
Declare Function MhBkwdInstrChar% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal Start%, ByVal Char%, Target$)
Declare Function MhBkwdInstrNS% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal Start%, Larger$, Pattern$)
Declare Function MhBkwdInstrS% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal Start%, Larger$, Pattern$)
Declare Function MhChooseFont% Lib "muscle.vbx" (Y As MhLogFontType, X As MhChooseFontType)
Declare Function MhCommandM$ Lib "muscle.vbx" ()
Declare Function MhCtrlHwnd% Lib "muscle.vbx" (A As Control)
Declare Function MhFileExists% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal FileSpec$)
Declare Function MhFindText% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal KeyCode%, ByVal hWnd%, Flags&, Find$)
Declare Function MhFwdInstrChar% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal Start%, ByVal Char%, Target$)
Declare Function MhFwdInstrNS% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal Start%, Larger$, Pattern$)
Declare Function MhFwdInstrS% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal Start%, Larger$, Pattern$)
Declare Function MhGet% Lib "muscle.vbx" (Variable As Any, RecNumber&, ByVal handle%)
Declare Function MhGetFileTitle$ Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal A$)
Declare Function MhGetOpenFileNAme$ Lib "muscle.vbx" (X As MhGetFileType, Y As MhFileFilterType)
Declare Function MhGetSaveFileNAme$ Lib "muscle.vbx" (X As MhGetFileType, Y As MhFileFilterType)
Declare Function MhGetTextDialog% Lib "muscle.vbx" (Replace$, Flags&, Find$)
Declare Sub MhKillDialog Lib "muscle.vbx" ()
Declare Function MhNotInstrBkwd% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal Start%, ByVal Char%, Target$)
Declare Function MhNotInstrFwd% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal Start%, ByVal Char%, Target$)
Declare Function MhPrintDlg% Lib "muscle.vbx" (X As MhPrintDlgType)
Declare Function MhPrintDlgDef% Lib "muscle.vbx" (X As MhPrintDlgType)
Declare Function MhPUCreate% Lib "muscle.vbx" (M As MhPopupMenuType, ByVal HowMany%)
Declare Function MhPUTrack% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal MainHwnd%, ByVal hMenu%, ByVal Y%, ByVal X%)
Declare Function MhPuKill% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal hMenu%)
Declare Function MhReplaceChar$ Lib "muscle.vbx" (Lin$, ByVal OldChar%, ByVal NewChar%)
Declare Function MhReplaceStr$ Lib "muscle.vbx" (Count%, Lin$, Unwanted$, Replacement$)
Declare Function MhReplaceText% Lib "muscle.vbx" (Replace$, ByVal KeyCode%, ByVal hWnd%, Flags&, Find$)
Declare Function MhSetFont% Lib "muscle.vbx" (ByVal hWnd%, ByVal RedrawNow%, Y As MhLogFontType)
Declare Function MhWinDir$ Lib "muscle.vbx" ()
Declare Function MhWinVersion% Lib "muscle.vbx" (Major%, Minor%)
' MhFindText and MhReplaceText Values
Global Const FR_DOWN = &H1
Global Const FR_WHOLEWORD = &H2
Global Const FR_MATCHCASE = &H4
Global Const FR_FINDNEXT = &H8
Global Const FR_REPLACE = &H10
Global Const FR_REPLACEALL = &H20
Global Const FR_SHOWHELP = &H80
Global Const FR_NOUPDOWN = &H400
Global Const FR_NOMATCHCASE = &H800
Global Const FR_NOWHOLEWORD = &H1000
' MhPrintDlg Values
Global Const PD_ALLPAGES = &H0
Global Const PD_SELECTION = &H1
Global Const PD_PAGENUMS = &H2
Global Const PD_NOSELECTION = &H4
Global Const PD_NOPAGENUMS = &H8
Global Const PD_COLLATE = &H10
Global Const PD_PRINTT